The American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Foundation AAO-HNSF , the medical association of Ear, Nose , Throat (ENT) physicians, has issued medical guidelines for evaluation and treatment of tinnitus. These guidelines are the first evidence-based clinical practice guideline developed for clinicians in there evaluation and treatment of chronic tinnitus. At Champlain Valley Audiology, our audiologists adhere to these medially and scientifically proven best practice guidelines for tinnitus treatment.

The academy issued the following “Recommended” or “Strongly recommended” treatments for individuals with tinnitus:

  1. A prompt audiologic (hearing) exam (by licensed audiologist only);
  2. Evaluation by skilled clinician for differential diagnosis of tinnitus vs. bothersome tinnitus;
  3. Evaluation by skilled clinician for treatment determination based upon duration of tinnitus;
  4. Effective education and counseling on tinnitus and management methods;
  5. A hearing aid evaluation for persons with hearing loss and bothersome tinnitus;
  6. Sound therapy for persons with persistent, bothersome tinnitus; and,
  7. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (referred to CBT therapist).

In addition, the guidelines presents the conclusions of the effectiveness of other methods claimed to be helpful with tinnitus treatment such as medial therapy, dietary supplements, acupuncture and trans magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Keeping in mind that these non-medical tinnitus treatments including all sound therapy is restricted to licensed Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) or Audiologist (M.A./M.S.) only in NYS.
Therefore, any individual who is seeking evaluation, treatment, or simply more information on tinnitus treatment should occur by a skilled Doctor of Audiology/Audiologist with specialty training and certification in tinnitus. At Champlain Valley Audiology, Dr. Sharon Macner provides comprehensive tinnitus evaluations and treatment adhering to the AAO-HNSF medical guidelines.

If you or someone you know has questions about tinnitus, please contact Champlain Valley Audiology to schedule a Tinnitus Evaluation: 518-324-5707 or [email protected]

We look forward to providing patient centered care to you or your loved one.